Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 press love

Post date: Mar 11, 2016 10:3:39 AM

We noticed most press outlets reviewed the game based on the english version... that kind of s-u-c-k-s!

However, just found someone who did not and loved our work! Check it you:

Original: É preciso destacar também o trabalho de localização da EA, que soube adaptar Garden Warfare 2 perfeitamente ao nosso idioma, mantendo o contexto cômico. Os diálogos bem humorados e os nomes das plantas e zumbis elevam o carisma dos personagens.

Translated: You have to highlight EA's localization work, adapting Garage Warfare 2 perfectly to our language, keep the comic effect. The dialogues are well humored, and the names of the plants and zombies elevate the charisma of the characters.

As Duffman elegantly puts it: Booyeah!