Goodbye 2020 and Good Ridance
Post date: Dec 19, 2020 12:36:45 AM
The year of 2020 was the definition of bittersweet. Locsmiths had won yet again another Localization of the Year award, and spent most part of the year working in the most extreme and complex project we had ever faced: Watch Dogs: Legion. A technological behemoth that kept us busy throughout the worse of the pandemic that raged our planet... and keeps raging. During those fleeting moments we managed to keep our heads above the water, the dismal reality of everything was many times almost too hard to face. We lost friends, we lost loved ones. 2020 spared no one.
That was the inspiration for our Holiday card this year. For all of you out there, stay safe, stay strong.
In memory of:
António Dias
Alexander Skakovsky
and so many others all around the world.