LocJam winners

Post date: Oct 28, 2019 11:7:51 PM

Sometimes you take things for granted and may take a long time until you notice something is amiss. Sometimes you don't notice until its brought to your attention. And seems in the wake of that last LocJam, which might have been the last ever, the results are not available in the official page, or so we've been told by some winners. So to correct that, here's the winner list from our own internal panel :)

LocJam 3


Luiz Alves won on Professionals.

CĂ©sar do Nascimento won on Amateurs.


Sofia Vale was the overall winner.

LocJam 4


Danielle Lacerda was first place for Professionals. Followed up by Gustavo Silva.

Bhernardo Viana won on Amateurs, followed by Pedro Santos.

Was a great initiative, but really ran its course, as it reached a point where the demands of the contestants were not at all compatible with a voluntarily organized contest. Thanks again to IGDA and especially Alain for all those years of dedication to LocJam.